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  • Is there a pre-race meeting?
    Yes there is a mandatory captains meeting the Thursday before race weekend. This is where we will hand out race packets, shirts, goody bags and other important race weekend info, including any last minute course changes.
  • What is the total distance?
    The race is approximately 232 miles.
  • How long is each leg?
    Legs vary in distance, ranging from 3 to 7 miles. We do have one "ultra" leg that is 9.8 miles. This leg goes up and over the Tobacco Root mountains and is considerd a bit of a challenge.
  • What about support vehicles?
    Teams must provide their own vehicles. Each team is allowed only 2 support vehicles. Many teams choose to rent vehicles to save wear and tear on their personal car. We recommend high clearance and four wheel drive for at least one, both is even better. No, you can not have more then 2 and your fan club cannot follow along behind.
  • When does our team roster need to be complete?
    We require all runner wavier forms to be into us by July 15. You can make changes up until that date. Under some circumstances we will take changes after that date.
  • What is an ultra team?
    An ultra team is a team with 5 or fewer runners.
  • What are the age requirements?
    We don't have a set age minimum or maximum.
  • Is Montana safe?
    Well.... We have bears, moose, rattlesnakes, and wild fires but, yeah, its mostly safe. Bring bearspray and dont tease the snakes.
  • How much does each person run?
    Every runner is required to run a minimum of one leg per day. If a team member is injured during the race and can't continue, your team can still run and will not be penalized.
  • How are daily start times determined?
    We like to have most teams finishing within a close window. Slower teams will be started earlier to facilitate this. Day 1 all teams start at 5:30 am. Day 2 will be a staggered start. Which teams start when will be determined by their finish time the previous day. The slower teams will start earlier. Start times could be as early as 4 am and are typically staggered from 30 minutes to an hour apart. You will be notified of your start time at the end of Day 1. Day 3 will also be a staggered the start, based on the results of Day 2. Start times will be as early as 4 am.
  • Does our entire team need to be at the start?
    No. Due to limited parking on day one we only allow one team vehicle at the start. We ask that the rest of the team wait at the first exchange. On the following days you only need your runners for the first couple of legs and one support vehicle at the start.
  • Will the course be marked?
    The course is not marked. The course and the exchange points are found by following the written leg descriptions.
  • Do we run through the night?
    No. Each day has a starting and ending point. Teams are done for the day when they fininsh all legs for that day.
  • Are food and beverage provided on the course?
    This is a fully team supported race. There are no aid stations. At the end of the race we offer a catered meal with beverages. Your entry fee covers the cost of the meal.
  • What will the weather be like?
    On average it is sunny, hot, and dry, with daytime temps getting up into the high 80's to low 90's. Sometimes there are late afternoon rain showers or thunderstorms, but these are usually short lived. The evenings and early mornings tend to be cool. weather day 1 weather day 2
  • Who do I contact with questions or concerns?
    Please email us at
  • Where do we sleep during the race?
    The Headwaters Relay has reserved camping at the end of day 1 at Barretts Campground near Dillion, Montana. Dillon also has several hotels and is approx.10 miles from the finish of day 1. We have reserved camping spots at Varney Bridge Campground, this is also the finish line of day 2. Ennis is 10 miles away and has a couple of hotels. The camp sites are first come first serve. We pay one half of the camp fees.
  • Where do we stay the night before the race? The night after?
    Three Forks has three motels and is 5 miles from the start of the race. In addition to nearby hotels, there is camping at Headwaters State Park Thursday night before the race. The relay does not cover this cost, so please pay the camp fees. At the end of the race There are many places to camp on public lands, both in the national forest nearby and around Henry's lake. West Yellowstone is about 35 miles away, Ennis is about 65 miles from the finish, both have motels and camp grounds.
  • I'm an individual looking to join a team, where do I go?"
    We suggest you make a posting on our Facebook page stating you are looking for a team to join. You can also email us and we will put the word out to other teams.

© 2022 by Headwaters Relay

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