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Rules and Penalties
Teams choose their own name.
Teams must have one designated team captain.
Teams are responsible for their own support and aid along the way, including liquids, food, navigation, and anything else to keep their runners going.
A maximum of 2 support vehicles per team allowed on the route one must be high clearance
Each runner is required to run a minimum of one leg each day of the Relay.
Teams determine who runs which leg. Each team must complete all the designated legs.
Once a runner begins a leg, he/she should complete it. If a runner cannot complete a leg for whatever legitimate reason (e.g., medical condition), then another runner from the team must complete that leg.
Teams must run the legs in succession (i.e., one at a time) A team may choose to run concurrent legs due to time considerations. The team must let the race directors know and they will no longer be in the running for any awards. The Race Directors reserve the right to require especially slow teams to run concurrent legs.
Misconduct Penalties
1. Polluting
Participants who are reported to have littered, urinated, or defecated on private property may be disqualified. Please use good judgment and be considerate of property owners along the course. Portable toilets are provided at the start and finish of each day. We have included “poop” bags for each team for cleaning up after yourself.
2. Not Wearing Race Bibs
Race bibs must be worn by the team member running each leg. A 15 min penalty may be incurred for not wearing a bib. No exceptions, no matter how well you think the race directors know you.
3. Exceeding Two Vehicles per team on the Course
Each team is limited to two (2) vehicles on the route at any one time. Teams in violation face a 15 minutes penalty. Repeated infractions could result in team disqualification. A 15 minute penalty may also be assessed to teams that have more than one vehicle on the route on sections that have been designated one vehicle only (see leg descriptions and vehicle detours).
4. Inappropriate conduct on Race Course
Any conduct deemed unsafe or unsportsmanlike by Race Officials will not be tolerated. Please do not obstruct traffic, or play loud music in populated areas. Be especially aware of the noise level going through Three Forks early Friday morning. Do not taunt any wildlife. It is especially important to be aware of other runners and traffic at the exchange points.